
Good, Bad and Ugly Innovation Telco Podcast

Good, Bad and Ugly Innovation Telco Podcast

I had a great time participating in this thought-provoking podcast episode. Where we take you on a captivating journey exploring the possibilities, pitfalls, and potential of online identity. Covering a wide range of topics, we delve into the exponential changes happening in the digital landscape and examine the interactions between the three domains interested in […]

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The BBC: a Case Study: A New Path to Value and Consumer Empowerment

The BBC: a Case Study: A New Path to Value and Consumer Empowerment

  I had a great time speaking with Nick North who shared the BBC’s vision this year at The Mobile World Congress. Below is an abstract of our talk, and click above to watch the recording of our session. Enterprises and organizations alike have a new path to value creation, the adoption and integration of […]

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