Latest in: Mobile Marketing
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What is driving growth for mobile web in the US? What’s holding it up?

There are three factors both driving and holding up mobile web growth in the US: Consumer adoption of smartphonesConsumer adoption of data plans with these phonesBrands and marketers offering compelling content and services that …
June 25, 2009
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International Journal of Mobile Marketing (IJMM) Vol. 4 No. 1 Editors’ Letter

The mobile phone is increasingly becoming a critical fixture of the lives of the majority of the world’s population. People are using their mobile phone for a wide range of activities, including personal communications, …
June 1, 2009
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Getting Started with Mobile Marketing – A look at where to begin

Mobile marketing, the practice of communicating, delving and exchanging value with and through the mobile channel with one’s audience, is transforming the practice of marketing and our relationship with consumers.  Brands, in-house marketers, and …
April 4, 2009
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Mobile Marketing Ecosystem

Partnering with mobile service providers To take advantage of the capabilities of the mobile channel for your marketing, you need to be able to adjust, in real time, to the diversity of the mobile …
February 20, 2009
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Education & Training Equals Professionalism: Is It Time to Explore Professional Certification in the Mobile Marketing Industry?

CPA, CFP, PCM, CPT, CeM. . . the list goes on and on, and on. They all have one thing in common and yes, it is the letter “C.” The “C” stands for Certified. …
January 1, 2009
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International Journal of Mobile Marketing (IJMM) Vol. 3 No. 2 Editors’ Letter

The maturing of the mobile channel, its ubiquity and the potential for personal, one-to-one contextually-relevant interactive exchanges with friends, colleagues, prospects, clients, customers, investors, the press, and society is driving marketers and consumers to …
December 1, 2008
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The forces shaping mobile phones as new direct marketing tools?

The invisible hand is working, Adam Smith would be proud.  Industry forces, much larger than any one company or group, are silently but diligently shaping the mobile marketing landscape. The practice of conducting marketing …
November 4, 2008
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Understanding the difference: application service provider (MASP) and a connection/messaging aggregator

What is the difference between a mobile application service provider (MASP) and a connection/messaging aggregator and what are the benefits/drawbacks of partnering with one or the other? There is a HUGE difference between the …
October 30, 2008
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Ethnicity and Mobile Marketing Usage

Demographics play a huge role in mobile usage behavior and patterns, including age, ethnicity, gender and household income. The following table (data sourced from M:Metrics) provides an overview of the different usage patterns of …
October 29, 2008

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