To be a mobile marketer is to be a marketer. Mobile is table stakes to marketers, as evidenced by the ubiquitous adoption of mobile devices and services throughout the world in every aspect of …
Understanding the future of the Internet and the flows of identity & personal information I enjoyed interviewing Kaliya Young, The Identity Women, last week, during an Identity Praxis Experts Corner Interview on November …
An in-depth conversation on privacy & security. On October 15, 2020, I had a wonderful time discussing privacy and security. Speakers Joining me on the panel were, Carlos J. Bosch, Head of Technology, GSMA …
I'll be teaching mobile marketing at National University ( this term. I'm looking for insights from mobile marketing leaders (brands, agencies, MarTech, etc.) that I can share with my students. I'm looking for the …
Understanding the harms caused from datism Yesterday was a big day, Humanity Power™ released their Humanity Power action kit, a step-by-step guide for putting the unity that is within our humanity to work. It …
Putting an end to the ‘isms that plague humanity Today is a big day at Humanity Power™, and for all. Charisse and the team at Humanity Power have launched the Humanity Power action kit, …
I'm thrilled to have been invited to speak at the Atlanta Innovation Forum's live web event, on October 15, 2020, 6:00 PM EST, "The Challenging New World of Privacy & Security," and to have …
The Braze Privacy Data Report provides useful insights toward understanding U.S. consumers’ (n=2,000) and marketer executives’ (n=500) opinions regarding personal data usage and privacy. The findings are insightful. Marketers should start to take action …
Proactively managing your privacy is no longer a luxury, it is a must and it takes conscious effort. One step you may not have considered is blurring your house, face, car or license plate, …
Today in Wired, I read about geofencing warrants. Geofence Warrants are a law enforcement practice. Law enforcement submits a request to tech companies, notably Google, Apple, Uber, Facebook, for a list of all the devices …
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