I'll be teaching mobile marketing at National University (www.nu.edu) this term.
I'm looking for insights from mobile marketing leaders (brands, agencies, MarTech, etc.) that I can share with my students.
I'm looking for the latest on mobile marketing,
- Use Cases/Case Studies, detailed use cases on mobile marketing programs, both success stories and epic failures (aka key learnings)
- Stats, statistics around relevant user behavior, campaign success, etc.
- Challenges, challenges that brands and agencies are trying to overcome to successfully server people
- Opportunities, opportunities that brands and agencies are trying to realize
- Tools, a list of MarTech tools and services that can help marketers with mobile marketing
- Leaders, a list of people and organizations that are doing an exceptional job with mobile marketing
- Speakers, I'm on the lookout for guest speakers (Oct. 26~Nov. 25, 2020), if can share your experience and expertise (30~45 min) with us that would be fantastic!
If you have material that supports any of the above, please share it with me by completing my Mobile Marketing Insights Form. My students and I would be grateful.
There are two parts to your submission:
- Info about you (name, title/company, email address, LinkedIn URL, guest speaker availability)
- Your mobile marketing insight and any supporting materials you can provide
I will be using your material to support the class as well as in my blog articles and related publications.
Thank you. I will be grateful for the community's support with helping me bring mobile marketing excellence to our future marketing and business leaders.
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