After 21 years, I completed a life's dream! I complted my doctorate in business administration from Golden Gate University (GGU).
Becker, M. J. (2024). Predicting personal information management systems use (Publication No. 31334934). [Doctoral dissertation, Golden Gate University] ProQuest Dissertation and Theses Global. (download).
I'd want to express my gratitude to my family, GGU, my committee—Blodwen Tarter, Kerry Curtis, and Dr. Phil Hendrix, and to Assurant (Craig Thole, Renato Paz Africano), InnovateMR, Mark Bernstein (for Tinderbox), Dr. Jot Sharpe, Dr. Vince Canobbio, and my editor Anne Dorfman. And then there are the others that I'd like to share my appreciation for—those that I specifically acknowledged in my dissertation and those that I did not have space to include—a huge thanks to you all for helping me achieve this life's dream.
We live in a complex, multi-disciplinary world. We need to come together to make a difference. I look forward to future collaborations with my industry family. Again, my thanks and much gratitude.
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When you achieve huge milestones like this, it does not mean you are done. It means that you are just getting started—you are now ready to take all your learnings and focus them on making a difference in this world. My focus is to:
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5Cs Of Knowledge ManagementEducation Services
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