Consumer Empowerment and PIMS Adoption

March 12, 2023
1 min read

I reveal the secrets of PIMS and the Personal Information Economy in my recent MEF Global Forum session. Encouraging organizations to consider incorporating a PIMS into their strategy as a critical next step. Below is the abstract of what I covered in my session, and if you unfortunately missed this prolific event you can watch the session recording above.

Michael Becker speaking at the 'Consumer Empowerment and PIMS Adoption' event.

Personal Information Management Solutions (PIMS) is an emerging capability that gives organizations a new and improved way of managing personal data and identity. Drawing from my qualitative study of twenty U.S. consumers, I share insights on the the key factors that influence an individual’s interest, ability, and intention to use a PIMS. These insights can inform corporate strategy, product roadmaps, and ecosystem partnerships, and learn how PIMS can improve trust, efficiency, and product/service experience. Finally giving individuals the opportunity to reclaim their agency, manage their privacy, and establish more authentic relationships with those organizations they trust.


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