An Interview with Sarah Ramirez: Facebook introduces new capabilities for businesses, influencers

May 2, 2019
2 min read

Sarah Ramirez at Luxury Daily reached out and asked me some questions about Facebooks' recent announcements,

  1. Which new feature (Instagram Checkout for creators, WhatsApp Business, other, etc.) do you think is most significant for brands?
  2. Why is it important for Facebook to emphasize privacy?
  3. How can luxury brands take advantage of new features?

You can see her completed article here: "Facebook introduces new capabilities for businesses, influencers."

My general responses to Sarah's questions include:

What has Facebook Announced?

Facebook has recently launched a flurry of new and enhanced capabilities, including the addition of catalogs and business disclosures for What’s App, in-app commerce in Instagram, secret crush to connect with love interests, and enhancements to groups, AR and photo capture. They also plan on enabling and enhancing private interactions, encryption, safety, interoperability, secure data storage, and message persistence management.

Which of The Announcements Is Important for Brands?

The most important of these feature for brands are the What’s App and Instagram enhancements. The features help brands take advantage of micro-moments and reduce friction when engaging individuals. With these new feature releases, people can make purchases at the moment without disrupting their flow, their experience, as well as source important information about a business (product offerings, operating hours, location, etc.).

Why Is It Important for Brands, and Facebook, to Prioritize Privacy?

Marc Pritchard of Proctor and Gamble once said: “When 5 billion customers shift their habits, you shift with them.”

Worldwide norms, regulations, technology, economic models, and the political landscape on privacy are shifting. Facebook must shift or it will be torn apart.  Facebook does not have a history of respecting people’s privacy, in fact, its history portrays the exact opposite. Facebook must shift its culture, respond to regulatory challenges, and most importantly re-build trust with the world.

In today’s connected world the individual has become the media, is the post of sale. Facebook’s new commerce features help brands not only build brand and communicate with individuals they enable a brand to be commercially relevant throughout micro-moments. 

Tagged: Facebook · Luxury Daily

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