Help Groom Next Generation Marketing Talent

March 27, 2014
2 min read

As a board trustee for Marketing EDGE, I would like to ask for your help. I'm raising money for Marketing EDGE to help groom future marketing talent. 

Industries around the globe are increasingly faced with a shortage of marketing talent capable of facing the challenge of successfully and responsibly marketing in our digitally-led global economy.

Marketing leaders are not born, they are grown. Please join me in helping more students get the EDGE by supporting Marketing EDGE, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, with the mission of preparing college students for a successful career in the evolving field of marketing.

Your donation will help fund Marketing EDGE's efforts to educate, develop, grow and employ our future marketing talent. Marketing EDGE programs include:

  1. SCHOLARSHIPS: Awarded to full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students
  2. COLLEGIATE ECHO MARKETING CHALLENGE: A global student marketing plan competition
  3. STUDENT CAREER FORUMS: Forums where practitioners talk and mentor students
  4. I-MIX: A one-week interactive marketing boot camp for students, taught by leading practitioners
  5. I-MAX: A one-week program introducing students to marketing analytics
  6. NEXT GENERATION LEADERS: A 12-month fast track job rotational program, in-depth internship, for graduating students
  7. MARKETING EDGE JOBS: A free resource for employers looking for talent
  8. JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING: A premier marketing journal

Marketing EDGE's fiscal year ends June 30 and we'd like to help it meet its 2014 commitment to the community. So, please donate today and help us reach our goal of raising $5,000 by the end June. 

Rising Starts Awards Gala

Also, Marketing EDGE is holding its annual Rising Stars awards gala on June 3rd in NY. The gala recognizes 6 up and coming marketers under the age of 40, our Rising Stars, for their commitment to marketing and contributions to the industry (I was inducted into the 2009 Rising Stars class). Tickets and table sponsorship are available, see:

Thanks for your help.


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