Appboy recognizes Michael Becker as a top mobile influencer–Thanks!

April 29, 2016
1 min read

A huge thanks to Appboy for including me in their top 14 Mobile Marketing Twitter influencers to follow.

Technology has advanced tremendously in the past decade and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. This rapid pace of change has affected everything from marketing to our individual behaviors. There are more connected devices out and about than ever before; it’s estimated that by 2020 the average household will have 50 connected devices. Due to this rise in connectivity resulting in the connected individual, we as marketers must follow suit and become connected marketers.  

Appboy is one of the leading companies that can help marketer bridge the divide and go over the top to directly engage and be of service to the connected individual. Again, we appreciate being recognized by them.

Please follow me and mCordis to stay up to date with the latest developments and innovations in mobile and connected marketing.  Welcome to The Rise of The Connected Marketer™.


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